[WriteLog] Re: [Dx4win] Importing a contest file and not getting state information

Jim Rhodes k0xu at iowadsl.net
Sun Sep 28 23:42:20 EDT 2003

I always just open the adi file with wordpad and to a search & replace 
changing "QTH" to "STATE". Imports fine after that.

At 08:44 PM 9/28/03, WA9ALS - John wrote:
>Yep, you have to run Marek's WL2DX4WIN program to convert your WriteLog file
>to ADIF for DX4WIN that will import the state info correctly.  Marek's
>program is available at http://sp7ps.pl/sp7dqr/downloads/wl2dx4win211.zip
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Brian Spindor" <ka7kuz.groups at comcast.net>
>To: "DX4WIN Group" <dx4win at mailman.qth.net>
>Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2003 7:35 PM
>Subject: [Dx4win] Importing a contest file and not getting state information
>I just finished the CQWW RTTY contest and now want to import the contest log
>into my DX4WIN log.  I'm using Writelog 10.42g and have converted the file
>to an ADI file.  When I import into DX4WIN (ver 6.02 to be exact) I do not
>get the state information.  Now I realize it is only 125 contacts and I
>could put them in by hand but if I've got hundreds that is a different
>story.  Does anyone know what the problem is and can you tell me how to
>include the state information into my import into DX4WIN.
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Jim Rhodes K0XU
jim at rhodesend.net

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