[WriteLog] 2 identical soundcards

Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO) frugoli at worldlinkisp.com
Wed Apr 14 13:21:52 EDT 2004

> Al, have you looked at http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/so2r-mmttyx2.htm in
> case it might help?  GL - 73, John (WA9ALS)

This is where the thought in my original message comes from: I know I've read that it is suggested to use different sound cards, but the reason was ease of setup (i.e. different names) not that it wouldn't work. 

The webiste listed above says:

First, it has been recommended by others that when you get a 2nd soundcard, you get a different model than the one you already have. Although I'm not convinced that using 2 of the same soundcard models can't work, it certainly will get confusing as you will appreciate later!

Under Windows 98, I'm having no luck making it work with 2 pci SB16 cards.

Let me be a little more specific here.  

MMTTY Instance 1:
Device ID: -1
Gets audio from rig 1 and copies signals fine.

MMTTY Instance 2:
Device ID: 1
Shows "lost audio"
If I change the DeviceID this instance of MMTTY I get a "can't open sound source" or whatever the error is.

So, it seems that MMTTY Instance 2 is seeing the 2nd soundcard but somehow the audio isin't getting to MMTTY.

73 de Al, KE1FO

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