[WriteLog] Re: Cw Writelog

Victor Carnuccio vcarnuccio at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 12 09:47:19 EDT 2004

Hello Jim,

Thanks for the help on the frustration that I have been experiencing with 
the CW keying setup. I suspect that it may be my soldering technique that 
has destroyed the NPN transistor.  I've tried everything else.

At some point I will go to Radio Shack to purchase another 2N3904 and try 
again.  I used the same circuit successfully with CT on the printer port so 
I am sure that it will key my rig.

Victor KD2HE

>From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
>Reply-To: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
>To: "Victor Carnuccio" <vcarnuccio at hotmail.com>
>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Re: Cw Writelog
>Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2004 08:08:25 -0500
>On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:47:20 -0400, Victor Carnuccio wrote:
> >The rig is continuosly keyed.  Then when there is a charactor keyed it 
> >out the keying.  In other words the spacing is keyed.  I tried reversing 
> >emittor and collector on the NPN transistor but haven't tried reversing 
> >emittor base connections.
>Somehow your keying inverter is not working or is not wired correctly.
>The correct hookup is:
>NPN transistor (NOT a PNP).  Collector to the tip of the key jack of your 
>Emitter to the sleeve ("ground") of your rig. Connect a 1K resistor between 
>DTR line coming from the computer's serial port to the Base of the 
>That's it. This circuit reliably keys my K2, TS850, TS790A, and Omni V. I'm
>sure it will key other rigs too -- this is simply all that I've tried.
>Note that this circuit depends upon the existence of the "ground" or signal
>return connection between the computer and the radio that is provided by 
>serial cable. If the serial cable (or some other signal return connection) 
>is not in
>place, it won't work.
>Jim Brown  K9YC

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