[WriteLog] Operator Name Field Problem

Larry L Lindblom llindblom at juno.com
Sun Aug 22 12:24:37 EDT 2004

I agree. Finally got him in the log as R TWO D TWO.  I swear prior
versions of WriteLog allowed me to enter R2D2 as a name, or is that a
flash back to my NA days?

73 W0ETC

On Sun, 22 Aug 2004 09:13:52 -0700 Eric Hilding <dx35 at hilding.com>
> FYI, several NCCC members reported a problem during the NAQP SSB 
> contest 
> that the WL Operator Name Field would not accept "R2D2".
> I suggest modifying the syntax rules for this field to allow 
> acceptance of 
> "creative operator names" that hit the contesting airwaves from time 
> to 
> time :-)
> 73...
> Rick, K6VVA
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