[WriteLog] writelog crashed in SARTG contest

DC3HB dc3hb at freenet.de
Tue Aug 24 15:08:36 EDT 2004

Hi all,

in the SARTG RTTY contest I had a problem with writelog and I lost 2(?) QSO's.

I have writelog 10.48F with the mmtty plugin. The configuration took place as described by Don, AA5AU in its Tutorial.

In the Rttyrite-window was the received line to long and the serial number was under the scrolling bar on the right side. (is this ok so?)

Therefore I have the window increased with the mouse (on the right side) and suddenly the rttyrite crashed. During the restart of rttyrite writelog crashed also and I lost QSO's. I hope, that I logged all correctly with hand and I have all QSO's in my log.

(If K3KO read this, sorry for the second call, I have logged the first QSO correctly from hand...)

Is this a well-known error?

73 de Bernd, DC3HB
cu in the SCC RTTY Championship

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