[WriteLog] SARTG scoring clarified

Bill Turner dezrat1242 at ispwest.com
Fri Aug 27 02:22:18 EDT 2004

I usually don't cross-post, but in this case it seemed the right thing
to do.

For those not aware, there was some debate about the correct scoring
of in-country multipliers in the SARTG RTTY contest.  WriteLog scored
it as 10 points between different call areas in the same country,
while N1MM Logger scored it as five.  Both programs correctly scored
Q's within the same call area as five points.

I emailed Ewe, SM7BHM, the contest manager and here is his reply:


Writelog score correct, 10 points between difr. call-ares in USA,VE;VK
JA, same as between diffrent country on same continent.

73 de Ewe SM7BHM
SARTG Contest manager


So WriteLog scores are correct but the N1MM Logger scoring algorithm
needs some fixing.

Anyone who sent in a Cabrillo log doesn't need to do anything since
the checking software will do the calculations, but the N1MM summary
sheets would be incorrect.

Bill, W6WRT
QSLs via LoTW

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