[WriteLog] RE: Writelog-CT17- + IC756Pro

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Tue Dec 14 13:10:12 EST 2004

Hi all,

I've been watching this thread with interest, as I also use Writelog, and
IC756Pro and a converter.

However, I do NOT use a genuine Icom CT-17, but a simple interface I got
from one of the pages on Ekki's (DF4OR) website.

When I first tried to set up the interface, I had all sorts of annoying
problems, mainly just knowing whether it was working or not.
Ekki has a neat little bit of software that reads what is being sent from
the rig to the PC, and that was a great help in getting things working.

The other thing I discovered was that although the IC756Pro (and my IC756
before it!) had "autobaud" as an option for the comm's speed, plus various
steps down from 19,200 to 1200, I found that reliable communications
required me to set the rig at 9600 and the software to match.
Since then, I have never had any of the problems being discussed in this

Just try setting the comms speed at 9600, and see if that makes any

73 for now


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