[WriteLog] RTTY Call entry question

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Tue Feb 10 12:34:03 EST 2004

Dana, et al

Just happen to have all these ini sections printed out right here before me.

In the [Configuration] section, there is a parameter called 
"MoveNextOnEnter". This has been there for awhile. It effects the behavior 
of the Insert key (which has some wonderful but unpredictable behavior). I 
set this one =1 so that I am always calling the station that I think I am 
calling when I sometimes use the Insert key.

I tend to mix up my ways of entering data, sometimes I use keystrokes, 
sometimes I click, sometimes I use function Keys, most of the time I click 
in my Fkeys map. To each our own.

Another thing that can move you out of the call field is what happens with 
a space (e.g. to get a dupe check). You can set this to move to the next field.

The enter key is another that can have different behavior.

It is worth a reading of the help files. There are a lot of parameters 
there that are useful to tailor the program to the way we want to operate.

Jerry, W6IHG

At 08:54 PM 2/9/2004 -0700, Dana Gertsch wrote:
>Does anyone know how to stop the auto-tab when you click on a call in
>For example, if you see a call in rttyrite, click on it, it populates
>the call field in the entry box, then tabs over to the next field.
>I tried selecting the "Tab only" under entry setup, but it still keeps
>going over there.
>I'd really like to click on the call (fills the call field), then press
>f`10 to send the exchange.  As it stands right now I either have to tab
>all the way through, or just F10. Yea, I know F10 or Enter, you still
>have to hit a key.
>At this point I just want to know how to do it.
>Thanks in advance for your input.
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Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
jpixton at shentel.net

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