[WriteLog] 10.45m "observances"

Kurszewski Chad-WCK005 Chad.Kurszewski at motorola.com
Mon Feb 16 14:08:40 EST 2004

> 2.  The "Time on" in the Rate window is wrong.  It starts 
> counting from when Writelog is started.

I don't know why this isn't done when the program is first
started, but you have to manually do a
Contest > Recalculate Score for the time to come out correctly.
Maybe this should be done automatically at the loading of
a log.

> 5.  Auto (timed) CQ didn't work with MMTTY 1.65.  I could 
> never get it to 
> repeat.

You need to set the repeat interval equal to the TX time
plus the RX time.  For all other modes, including RTTY
when using the WL rttyrite decoder, the repeat time is
only the listening time.  So for example, my time was
9 seconds which was 5 seconds for Txing the CQ, and
4 seconds of listening time.

Chad WE9V

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