[WriteLog] FW: Ability to QSL numbers given to you by other stn

Larry L Lindblom llindblom at juno.com
Tue Feb 17 18:18:58 EST 2004

I to make frequent use of NR NR NR.  However even after doing that
multiple times there are occasions when there is no clean winner.   As in
189 printed 6 times, 188 printed five times and pure garbage printed four
times.  In that case I use %F4 to send 189 189 189 ???  If I see
something that resembles QSL or RRR then I know I have it right,
otherwise I keep on trying until we seem to have a valid Q in the log. 
Yes I occasionally send the received report, but only in an attempt to
confirm I have it correct.  Maybe this is a carry over from my SSB
contesting where I tend to confirm any marginal exchange when running.  

73 W0ETC

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004 19:50:32 -0000 "Nick Kail" <m3mlr at tiscali.co.uk>
> Phil and Guys 
> I'm sorry I didn't realise my curiosity would start a third world 
> war over
> the do's and don'ts during contests 
> If I do not get the number first time around I always use the NR? 
> NR? AGN.
> Once I have it for sure then I send either a TU or a QSL ( and on 
> really
> good days I might send out a GL)
> Now then back to the business at hand (after all this is the 
> writelog Q & A
> reflector and not the "this is how you operate in contests 
> reflector).
>  Apart from WL 10.45 putting RTTY on the section of the cabrillo 
> file did
> anyone else find any problems?? 
> Cheers n Beers 
> Nick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Cooper [mailto:pcooper at guernsey.net] 
> Sent: 17 February 2004 18:50
> To: Nick Kail
> Cc: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: Ability to QSL numbers given to you by other stn 
> Hi Nick and the group,
> PLEASE do not do this! It may look "neat" but it is a real pain in 
> the butt!
> I got too many confusing serial numbers in WPX, with the result that 
> I
> clicked on the real serial number which then went into the callsign 
> field!
> If you answer my CQ, and I send you a number which you can't copy, 
> ask for
> it again BEFORE you send me your report. Don't expect me to confirm 
> what you
> sent, as if I am unsure, I will ask for a repeat from you before I 
> send TU
> QRZ?
> Now, that brings up another point:
> I saw some stations sending GU0SUP TU PLS MY NR AGN??
> NO NO NO! If I see TU or RGR, I will log the contact and move on, 
> thus
> missing the request for a repeat.
> If you want my number again, send NR?? NR?? and I will see that and 
> respond
> accordingly.
> Just my two cents worth!
> 73 de Phil GU0SUP
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