[WriteLog] AFSK on RTTY not LSB on 1000mp field

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Fri Feb 20 12:27:36 EST 2004


Be advised that the GOOD filters on the IC756proII are only available in 
the LSB-D modes not in the RTTY. So we must have a new generation of 
designers who have not operated the radios they design. Like so many other 
products we get lots of neat-to-design bells and whistles but the basic 
functionality is lacking (operating systems come to mind) hi

Jerry, W6IHG

At 09:16 AM 2/19/2004 -0600, wx4tm at tm-moore.com wrote:
>So far I am very disappointed in the way YAESU set up the MV FIELD
>filter selections for RTTY. They CLEARLY do not understand - are not
>knowledgeable of - RTTY contesting needs. All the digital modes need to
>have the same access to filter selection that the CW mode does. How they
>ever came to any differenct conclusion is almost mind boggling.  Had I
>fully realized and understood the limitations of this radio with regard
>to filter selection alone, I would have bought the ICOM PRO II. But I've
>always been a big Yaesu fan and thought, for sure, there'd be a way
>around this problem. So far, I sure can't find it. What a bummer!
>Tom WX4TM

Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
jpixton at shentel.net

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