[WriteLog] Two Questions

Richard L. King k5na at texas.net
Fri Feb 20 13:52:20 EST 2004

I have two questions.

First, does anyone have an up-to-date summary of typical operating commands 
for reference. I mean like Atl-N, Atl-W, etc. I can't find a single page 
that lists the command usage commands. But I may have missed it in my help 
pages searching. I would like to print it for reference during the contest.

Second, Can someone explain to me the strategy of using the different 
headphone selections found under the "radio" dropdown. There is at least 
one new headphone selection there for version 10.45 but I can't find 
anything in help that discusses the strategy of the selections and what 
does what.

Thanks, Richard - K5NA

k5na at texas.net  

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