[WriteLog] FSK RTTY

WA9ALS - John ham_reflectors at wa9als.com
Fri Jan 2 17:49:01 EST 2004

> It has occurred to me that I should be able to use FSK with my 1000D .
> anyone have a method to hook the 4 pin plug out of the "D" to a com port?
> What do I need and what wires go where? Thanks for the help 73's Cort K4WI
> Courtney Judd K4WI / NA4W

Cort, did you see my recent post?  I think the RTTY connector is the same in
the D as the 990, 1000MP etc.  Here it is again:

FSK is advisable for many reasons.  The most straightforward approach is to
use a legacy serial port to send FSK and PTT signals to the RTTY connector
on the back of the FT-990, 1000MP, or MARK-V MP.  Use the TxD pin for the
FSK shift signal and the RTS pin for the PTT signal.  You can make a simple
transistor switch cable using a 1K resistor and a 2N2222 or 2N3904
transistor.  I think AA5AU has diagrams on his website at www.aa5au.com
somewhere.  An older rendition, originally on N1RCT's website, is at

Pinouts for the 1000MP RTTY and PACKET connectors are at

A couple of little-known facts:

1.  The PTT pins of the MP's RTTY and PACKET connectors are in parallel.
Without going into detail, depending on how many cables and modes you
make/operate, this knowledge can save you a wire/cable.

2.  With the 1000MP series and the IC-756PRO series, you don't need the
transistor in the cable for the FSK line - You can just feed TxD through a
1K resistor directly to the FSK pin of the RTTY connector.  I first saw this
mentioned in K6STI's documentation for his RITTY program.  Wired like this
for several years now - no problems.

3.  I had a third point, but I forgot it!  ;-))

Of course, you will soon want to operate 2 instances of MMTTY, and you can
get some ideas about that at http://www.qsl.net/wa9als/so2r-mmttyx2.htm

I've wired the 990, 1000MP, MARK-V, IC-756PRO, and PROII using transistor
interfaces.  You will have a very difficult time, or find it impossible, to
key the MP using a simple optoisolator.

Any questions, this list will be glad to help!  73 - John, WA9ALS

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