[WriteLog] The summary sheet

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Jan 5 19:08:23 EST 2004

Hi again,

Well, the consensus is that this is now normal, as others have reported the

Personally, I think this is a shame, and a retrograde step, as that is a
useful sheet for quickly seeing what you worked on each band. That is
important to me as a chaser of DX, States, Zones, etc, and per band.

If it is because Cabrillo has become the norm, then all I can do is ask for
the full summary to be re-instated.
I'm not sure this is the reason though, as the OK contest was almost similar
(no summary of what was worked by band), but it did give the scores per band
and totals etc.

Just for clarification, the two things I am interested in are:
The bit that shows:
        QSO's           Points          Etc
80m      10                10             20
40m      30                20            50
Station Description:



etc etc,

And then the bit that looks like:
                                   40m Summary
4X    5B    9A    CT3    DL etc
Call Areas
K0    K1       K2 etc etc

Wayne/Ron, can we have this back please?

This only changed in v10.44b. Befoer that, everything was fine.

Very best 73 de Phil GU0SUP

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