[WriteLog] RTTY Questions

WA9ALS - John ham_reflectors at wa9als.com
Sun Jan 25 11:09:01 EST 2004

> I started rttyrite, and set the port for com4.  This is the problem.  This
does not make rttyrite do ptt on Com4.  What I had to do, is leave the
settings for LPT1 alone, and add that Com4 is a CW port in my Writelog port
setup, and contrary to my logic, have no port selected in Rttyrite.

This has to be a Rigblaster issue.  I use COM2 for FSK and PTT, and COM2 is
set in the Rttyrite window.  If I chose "None" in the Rttyrite window, my
rig is not keyed, as expected.  My Ports Setup only has settings enabled for
rig control (freq/band/QSY).

I don't understand how you get rig keying without selecting a com port in
the Rttyrite window - unless you are doing that via rig control by
indicating so in the Port-Setup screen.  - John

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