[WriteLog] Function keys

S. Sneidar sneidars001 at hawaii.rr.com
Wed Jan 28 16:36:41 EST 2004

OK Doc, I got it. Here are some pointers for the SETUP/MESSAGES.
1. Messages are assigned to function keys 1 thru 11.
2. By default the F11 message blank is assigned to any CQ message you want.
BUT that message is sent by the Function (F) 1 key.
3. There must be something in the message window to turn the transmnitter
4. Some useful things to put in the message windows are:
    %R (caps)    carriage return and line feed.
    %E               End (turns xmitter off.)
    %D                inserts the call that was clicked and dropped into the
log window.
5. %3                insers automaticaly your next log sequence number
6. %H                inserts the callers first name from the friend file.
7. I assigned my function keys as follows:

F1        CQ - Run mode
F2        Response and report -  Run mode
F3        QSL/QRZ -  Run mode
F4.       Call someone -   search and pounce mode
F5        Response and report -  search and pounce mode
F6        Your call again?
F7        Your report again?
F8        My call repeated several times
F9        My report repeated several times
F10      Worked B4

This a my typical CQ:

This is my typical response for some one calling me:
%R%D DE AH6HH TU %H 599 599 %3 %3 QSL BK%R%E

Oh yes,  alt/K turns on the xmitter for a kbd comms. ESC turn the xmitter

Hope this is what you were asking and hope it helps. Have fun,

de sid ah6hh

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "arholub" <arholub at ix.netcom.com>
To: <WriteLog at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Function keys

> Just want to take one of my fat fingers and hit F6 and have it
> send a message.  The rest of the keyboard I'll learn later!!!
> Doc

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