[WriteLog] CQWW RTTY WPX contest

Donald Eriksen don.wsixffh at verizon.net
Thu Jan 29 11:23:09 EST 2004

I can't find a log for this test in the New Log list. The only thing
available is the CQ World Wide RTTY contest which is a whole different test,
requiring a zone entry.

The WPX only requires a RST and serial number according to the CQ rules.

The CQ WW WPX CW contest in the list comes closest to the requirements, The
entry window headings being:
CALL, RS (the CW test allows three numbers for RST), NUMB and Country.

Any body see a problem with using that one? I'm using version 10.45.

don.wsixffh at verizon.net

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