[WriteLog] Function keys

Ian White, G3SEK G3SEK at ifwtech.co.uk
Sat Jan 31 09:40:32 EST 2004

Jim Brown wrote:
>Something that has always bothered me about this setup is, How do you
>operate Search and Pounce with F3 programmed for QSL/QRZ?  To save a
>QSO, you have to hit <ENTER>, and when you do, WL sends  the QSL/QRZ
>message. But when you're running S&P, you don't want to send anything
>at that point, and if you do, you drive the other guy nuts!  I've
>solved this by leaving <F3> blank and using a different memory for

That brings up a related point: the new WL 10.45M now "knows" when 
you're running. This new feature was announced in the update list as: 
"Return to 0.0KHz (F12) Clears the entry window."

I don't believe the Help file is totally accurate about how it works, 
but here's my take on it:

Your "0.0kHz" frequency is probably your Run frequency. Specifically, it 
is the last frequency on which you logged two consecutive QSOs (less 
than 500 Hz apart), or the frequency you were using immediately before 
you QSY'd by grabbing a packet spot or clicking on a bandmap entry. F12 
returns to your "0.0kHz" frequency, including its mode and split 
settings, and clears the Entry Window. (If WL has not yet identified a 
"0.0kHz" frequency, F12 does nothing.)

I tested everything except grabbing a packet spot, and hope I've got 
that functionality correct.

It's a great feature. Now you don't have to store your Run frequency in 
an S&P memory any more, or in the rig - just hit F12.

Hmm... so WL can now make a pretty good guess at when you're running... 
I'm sure Wayne is several steps ahead in seeing what else can be done 
with that information... but why not ask anyway...

Like Jim, my first candidate is to fix the behavior when "Enter sends 
exch/QRZ" is checked. It's a nice feature when you're running, but a 
booby-trap when you're not. Even if it is checked, it should be 
automatically disabled unless WL knows for sure that you *are* running.

Second candidate is that when you press the CQ message key, the current 
frequency becomes the new target for F12. (WL already knows which is the 
CQ key, from the CqFunctionKey= entry in the [Config] section of WL.ini)

Posting this kind of message brings back all the fun of writing to 
Father Christmas. Up the chimney it goes... don't be disappointed if he 
doesn't write back... but just wait and see what happens. Perhaps you 
*will* get what you asked for - and there may be even more goodies that 
you *hadn't* expected!

73 from Ian G3SEK

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