[WriteLog] Hard Drive Failure, THANKS

Jerry Pixton jpixton at shentel.net
Fri Jul 9 19:25:41 EDT 2004

At 09:13 PM 7/8/2004 -0400, Bob McCormick W1QA wrote:
> > Sorry you had to learn this hard lesson.
>Likewise, sorry to hear it - and the impact.
>And though OT for this group - I'll share a couple
>of thoughts on the topic.
>Some months ago I picked up (at a CompUSA store)
>a Western Digital external 200 GB disk that has
>both USB 2.0 and Firewire interfaces.  With Windows XP,
>just plug in the disk and backup your data ... fast.

Guess which drive failed last month. The wonderful external 200 Gbyte drive 
with all my backups from all the office computers. So single point failures 
are just that. And it might be the backup device that fails instead of the 

Fortunately in this case I could carefully backup most other drives but I 
had to put in two larger primary drives (an 80 Gbyte and a 160 Gbyte) 40 
Gbytes are not large enough to hold a bunch of Ghost images. I can remember 
when I thought 10 Megabytes was hugh!

Jerry, W6IHG
Dr. Jerry R. Pixton, PIXOS Designs LLC
jpixton at shentel.net

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