[WriteLog] Hard Drive Failure, THANKS

Darren G0TSM writelog at g0tsm.com
Sat Jul 10 20:06:07 EDT 2004

Don't know if this still applies but a long time ago when HDs were 
expensive I had a mate who used to collect dead HDs. There were SMD fuses 
for the 5V and 12V supplies and quite often it was one of these that had 
blown. I don't know if they still do this or not?..

73 Darren G0TSM

>Guess which drive failed last month. The wonderful external 200 Gbyte 
>drive with all my backups from all the office computers. So single point 
>failures are just that. And it might be the backup device that fails 
>instead of the primary.
>Fortunately in this case I could carefully backup most other drives but I 
>had to put in two larger primary drives (an 80 Gbyte and a 160 Gbyte) 40 
>Gbytes are not large enough to hold a bunch of Ghost images. I can 
>remember when I thought 10 Megabytes was hugh!

Darren Collins G0TSM
Southampton UK
SysOp GB7EDX DX Cluster
Local RF access 144.900MHz

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