John Fleming john at wa9als.com
Fri Jul 16 19:55:42 EDT 2004

I assume that, although you're posting to the WriteLog list, you are talking
about using MMTTY in standalone mode?  If so, the buttons near the bottom
(top of transmit area) can be programmed using right-click.  On mine, this
brings up an edit window for the macro.  This doesn't apply when using MMTTY
with WriteLog, of course, as you just have a Rttyrite window working with
the MMTTY engine.  Not sure why right-clicking is not working for you in the
standalone.  Or did I miss the point entirely?  73 - John, WA9ALS

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Garnie Currie" <ve7.dxh at shaw.ca>
To: <writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 5:12 PM
Subject: [WriteLog] MTTY MACROS

  Can anyone tell me how to set up the macros when using MMTTY?There is no
problem with cw/rtty messages set up.I am referring to the ones on the
bottom of the MMTTY window.

   I can’t seem to find the info.I tried right clicking on macro,and also
clicking with various

 Buttons down..ie.alt,ctrl and shift.

  De Garnie Currie VE7DXH

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