[WriteLog] CW Help

Darrel Daley kl7dn at sover.net
Thu Jul 29 17:14:29 EDT 2004


After successfully working some IOTA stations on CW I did some station
changes (took a serial switch out of line as I now have a USB>Serial
converter which isn't used for WL) and now my FT1000D keys up when I load a
contest module.

It's not a hardware problem as the old NA interface used with WL keys DX4
just fine. I didn't change any settings, but something happened betwee IOTA
and now.

XP Pro OS and CW on Com1
9600-N-8-1 in both device manager and writelog.ini
I've tried XON/XOFF, HARDWARE, and NONE in device manager to no effect.
CW keyer type is PC generates
No DVK checked
On LPT/16COMM RTS selected in CW PTT setup dialog window
LSB is really FSK selected
This Radio is radio left selected
All mode on PTT CW port RTS selected

I've probably forgot something, but am hoping that there's enough here so
that one of you PC Pros can find the problem.

Thanks and 73,
Darrel - K1KU
"Outside of a dog, a book is probably man's best friend;
inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx


Scanned with NAV 2004

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