[WriteLog] Dual WriteLog Installs on same computer

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Tue Jun 22 15:14:17 EDT 2004

It turns out I need to take my computer to Field Day, which will 
necessitate a dual install of WriteLog (my own existing installation PLUS 
the separate club callsign install) on the same Notebook unit.  Yes, both 
callsigns/WL copies are paid for.

Can I leave my own C:\ drive install alone & simply install the club 
version to my D:\ drive?  Will the Registry handle dual installs?  Must I 
temporarily rename my existing install <blah>.ini file and then change 
things back once Field Day is over and I delete the club install?

Perhaps others have the same situation???  If so, here's a thought for the 
next version of WriteLog.

Allow for multiple callsign use/changes *within* one WL install and use a 
config dialog to enter the appropriate Valid License Key info and drop-down 
list box to select the one desired.

Tnx & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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