[WriteLog] Networking at Field Day

WI8W rtty at comcast.net
Mon Jun 28 21:11:02 EDT 2004

With all the complaining about Writelogs ability or should I say non 
ability to network during a Field Day operation...I am beginning to 
wonder if you all have lost the meaning of Field Day.

It is not a contest so why do you treat it like one?

It is a exercise to determine your strengths and weaknesses in 
conducting emergency communications in the field.

My club uses computers for logging and we let each station boss use what 
ever software they want to use.

We run N3FJP and I run Writelog.  We have run CT and NA in the past.  We 
dont worry about a network because we dont use one. Quite frankly it is 
not necessary at all.

I say leave the network at home

To blast Wayne for not fixing something that quite frankly, in my 
opinion, is not broken is something I would like to see stopped.

I run Writelog in my shack with 4 computers running Win 98, Win 2000 and 
WinXp and have not had one single problem in the last 2 years I have 
been running Writelog.

You might also comply with the standard operating practice of the 
computer world...RTFM

have a nice day


Thom WI8W

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