[WriteLog] RE: Field Day purpose ... was something else ...

Alan Maenchen ad6e at inreach.com
Tue Jun 29 01:08:27 EDT 2004

WI8W writes:

>With all the complaining about Writelogs ability or should I say non
>ability to network during a Field Day operation...I am beginning to
>wonder if you all have lost the meaning of Field Day.
>It is not a contest so why do you treat it like one?

Answer:  because there is a score, and I hate getting beat by those guys
over there!

Yes, the main object is to ring out your system(s) and maximize your
effectiveness.  A really good networking M/M setup in Field Day helps beat
them other guys and makes it more fun to boot.  It's really cool for any
networked station to QSY to ANY band-mode not in use at the moment without
extensive coordination.  Obviously, this Field Day uncovered quite a few
networking problems.

This isn't just a FD exercise, WL networking is essential for any
multi-radio contest.

That said, my only experience with networked WL was fantastic. It was a lot
of fun. If it can be made easier to setup and more bullet-proof, then so
much the better.

73, Al  AD6E

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