[WriteLog] ARRL DX and more

Mike Fatchett mike at mallardcove.com
Sun Mar 7 19:29:15 EST 2004

Toward the end of the contest I turned on the packet.  I have tried a couple
of telnet sites and keep getting disconnected.  Is this a common problem?  I
am on a DSL line and have not had any connection issues in the past.  I
tried the K5DX cluster and K1TTT.  Obviously the spots were coming in fast
and furious.  

Is there a better way to connect to packet via the internet?  I have Logic
for my normal everyday logging and that connection has never dumped.  It
connects to the OH2 server.

I am looking to get a decent sound card for ssb messages and on air
recording.  Is there a preferred card?  Or maybe the better question is are
there ones to avoid?

I did not have any problems with the program in my 198 QSO effort.  I used
much of the time to learn the software and get the windows setup the way I
liked them.

I have used TR in the past and it worked great It was great having a windows
program to check email and websites etc while logging.  Does WL have a
search and pounce mode similar to TR?  I assume that if you worked a station
earlier in the contest the stations information would automatically be
populated the next time you entered his call in the callsign field?

Finally, is there a way to clear the callsign with a keystroke instead of
having to use the delete or backspace key?

Thanks in advance for the help.  


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