[WriteLog] Anoyance during ARRL DX contest & AutoSave doesn't save

Steve Holton sholton at optonline.net
Mon Mar 8 11:46:51 EST 2004

When in doubt "RTFM" which I didn't - but I was unable to find them during 
the contest by searching the help - guess next time I should always study 
"what's new" carefully ;<(
There are several other relevant parameters which I missed including:
AutoFillFromBandmapHz,  AutoSetToSplitFromBandMap, and TuningDetectionCount

I think adjusting these in combination can make this a pretty nice feature, 
but I also agree that, perhaps it's best to set the default to defeat them 
when first introduced.

When grabbing spots with splits - like 40M & 80M in the SSB 'test I noticed 
a further wrinkle in this.....if you grab a spot with QSX and then have to 
tune the QSX frequency - this is frequent occurrence as the DX jumps around 
trying to find a clear listening frequency.....
On my FT1000MP-MkV if I grab a spot with QSX and then change the frequency 
on the sub VFO-B - the AutoFill etc does not apply - I can tune to my 
hearts content and the Call in the entry window doesn't change.
On my K2 that's not the case - the tuning AutoFill etc parameters apply 
when tuning VFO-B when running split- this was perhaps the most frustrating 
aspect of this new feature.

On a completely different note AutoSaveCount no longer seems to work. Any 
number I put in there has no effect. If I set the count to 5 or 10 nothing 
is saved and it starts warning at 20 QSOs. If I set it to 25, it also 
starts warning at 20, but saves nothing when I hit 25.....

Steve N1NB

>The answer is in the "what's new" section of the help file 10.45.
>The ini.file [ENTRY] AutoClearOnTuneMinHz set to zero will disable
>AutoFillFromBandmap as well. Set this to zero and WriteLog will not clear
>the Entry window when the radio is tuned.
>Don KF2XF

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