[WriteLog] No autofil line in my INI file V10.45

Pat CainKØPC k0pc at arrl.net
Mon Mar 8 16:15:51 EST 2004

Add the line in your bandmap section and set it to zero.

At 04:52 PM 3/8/2004 -0500, Greg Finch W1GF wrote:
>I have been trying to eliminate the automatic bandmap to callsign entry 
>window transfer like many on the reflector. I have read that the fix is to 
>modify the line
>AUTOFILFROMBANDMAPMHZ  to be 0 in the INI file. However, there is no such 
>line in my V10.45 INI file. In fact, there is nothing even remotely 
>resembling this in the {bandmap} section or anywhere in the file. There 
>are not even any lines that start with AUTO anything. Anyone have any 
>ideas? Thanks. Greg Finch  w1gf at maine.rr.com
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