[WriteLog] Two sound cards - Problem discovered

Don Melcher don at hfradio.com
Sun May 9 09:32:36 EDT 2004

The problem I was having only came up when I was accessing the station
computer via Xppro remote desk top AND trying to get the audio to the
client computer using Skype - Xppro was the culprit. I still don't get a
sound card selection drop down in WL Soundmixer - but that is fine with
me. In this case, WL uses what ever has been designated the default
sound card in Sounds and Audio Devices in Control Panel.

That is what I get for trying something new - I had been using GoToMyPC
but decided to try Xppro remote desktop instead on a new machine - DOH!
Now that I know WHERE the problem is, perhaps I can fix it! I went back
to GoToMyPC and all works as it should - now I can run the station from
anywhere there is a broad band connection - ready to move it to the new
QTH near Yosemite - home of Yosemite Contest Group - NM6G (at least as
soon as the FCC gets off there duff and issues the vanity call - should
have been yesterday).

Thanks to all for putting up with me while I chased my tail and banged
my head against the desk. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Fullgraf [mailto:cfullgraf at sprynet.com] 
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 6:08 AM
To: Don Melcher
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Two sound cards

If memory serves me correctly, unless you are using MMTTY, WriteLog can
only uses one sound card at a time. When I put the second sound card in
my computer for MMTTY, I did not have to do anything to WriteLog, but in
the MMTTY plug-in, you have to select  the setting for the appropriate
sound card. Mine are set at 0 and -1.

I was having problems with this awhile back and saw in the mixer control
that there was a pull down menu for the sound card selection. I fiddled
with that but it did not correct the problem I was having at the time
(MMTTY in WriteLog would not recognize the second sound card, but would
if I opened two MMTTY applications)

The solution was to rename Writelog.ini, so that Writelog thinks it is
not there, and do a full re-load of WriteLog. All was well for me after
the re-load--so far.

Since the re-load, I did a little playing with the mixer settings and
could change the sound card that RTTYrite used from there. It requires
exiting WriteLog and re-starting for the change to take effect.

Hope this is helpful.

Chuck, KE4OAR

----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Melcher" <don at hfradio.com>
To: "'Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO)'" <frugoli at worldlinkisp.com>; "Writelog"
<writelog at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 12:19 PM
Subject: RE: [WriteLog] Two sound cards

> Hmmmm - I don't see a selection option there... Only a selection of 
> which input to use of receive. Seems to me I have seen it in the past 
> - but this is with XPpro - the selection IS present on a W2K machine. 
> The problem is that I am trying to run Writelog at the same time as 
> Skype (voice over ip) and they BOTH want to use the default sound 
> device (there is a selection in Skype but it doesn't work!).
> I remember there was a line you put into the writelog.ini file - but 
> maybe that doesn't work any more - or at least it doesn't under XP.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alfred J. Frugoli (KE1FO) [mailto:frugoli at worldlinkisp.com]
> Sent: Saturday, May 08, 2004 8:00 AM
> To: Don Melcher
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Two sound cards
> Open the WriteLog Sound Board Mixer control and select the card you 
> want to use for each function there.  Once you make the change you'll 
> need to restart writelog for it to taek effect.
> Good luck.
> 73 de Al, KE1FO
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Don Melcher
> Sent: 5/8/2004 2:01:03 AM
> To: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: [WriteLog] Two sound cards
> > Can someone please remind me how I tell WriteLog which of the two 
> > soundcards in my PC to use? I know it has been on here before - but 
> > for the life of me I can't find it and I am VERY tired of banging my

> > head against the desk.
> >
> > System has onboard Realtek AC97 and PCI Turtle Beach Santa Cruz.
> >
> > Don
> > W6ZO
> >
> >
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