Chuck Fullgraf cfullgraf at sprynet.com
Thu Nov 11 22:41:54 EST 2004

I'm using a 200 MHz Pentium running Windows 95 that is dedicated to radio
use only. I'm reasonably sure that nothing is running in the background but
won't swear to it. Definitely no anti-virus programs or other similar

One comment I received was that a slow computer can be a source of poor CW
and that could be the case here. But, I am usually sending slow and I have
never had jumbled CW before using version 10.50. (gee, I remember when 200
MHz was considered faster than light speed!)

But, I am not a CW power user either.

I hope the glitch, if there, does not transfer over to FSK RTTY!

Chuck, KE4OAR

> Do you have your anti-virus protection or other software running that
might me casuing the problem?  Once I disabled all un-needed items running
in "msconfig" (I think that's where I did it) I had no more problems.
(Keying with LPT) I believe there is something in the help files, archives,
or someone on the list more knowledgeable than I.  Good Luck!
> 73,
> Zig - KM9M
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