[WriteLog] RE: Trimming Audio Files & Spacers

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Wed Nov 17 00:50:16 EST 2004

I've just discovered a new glitch in all this stuff.

Having put off far too long the install & testing of an outboard 
Vox-triggered audio card device, the way the thing works is contrary to how 
I just edited/trimmed files played directly off the computer speakers 
(like, real tight beginnings for ASAP send when the F key is pushed).

The #&^! device has more ms delay in the initial triggering of the 
audio/.wav files, which is now cutting off part of each letter and that 
part can not be adjusted.  I've tweaked & tweaked with the other available 
controls, but a total re-do of what I did have done is necessary.  If I 
can't get it done before SS with everything else going on here, look for 
the chopped-off audio signals on the band(s) ..."that would be me" 
;-(  ;-(  ;-(

I hate it when stuff like this happens.  But hopefully this will help 
anyone contemplating new equipment to be added into your system at some point.


Rick, K6VVA

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