[WriteLog] RE: Auto CQ

Kurszewski Chad-WCK005 chad at motorola.com
Wed Nov 17 10:06:28 EST 2004

> > The "RTTY Delay" only applies to RTTY.  In other words for 
> RTTY the delay is the total time between successive starts of 
> your CQ messages - it has to include the length of your CQ 
> message plus the desired gap, for other modes, it is the gap 
> only (delay) between the end of one message and the next 
> message start.
> > 
> > N5NJ
> This has not been my experience.  My experience is that the 
> auto-cq delay time is always from the START of transmission 
> of the first CQ to the START of transmittion of the next CQ, 
> regardless of mode.  I don't have extensive experience with 
> 10.50D, but everything before 10.5 worked that way.

>From the WL manual:

With one exception, the time you enter is how long WriteLog waits
from the end of one transmission to the beginning of the next. The
exception is if you are running CW on the old W5XD external keyer
(16 pin chip). With all other keyers and in all other modes, the
time is from end to beginning.

Chad WE9V

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