[WriteLog] CtCompatibleAccel=YES

Jon Suehiro nn5t at attglobal.net
Wed Apr 27 23:57:48 EDT 2005

After using WL by UPGrading for years, I just fresh re-installed while
replacing the aged hard-drive.

Installed WL1051Mfull provided by Ron at the time of renewal, then UPGraded
to WL1054CUPG (plus, MMTTYPlugin_V13).   Every thing seems back to the way
used to be.   Except one thing.

When CtCompatibleAccel=YES was added into [Configuration], my original
setting not only made F1 key for CQ-ing but also F11 for wipe QSO.
Currently I am getting CQ-ing on both F1 and F11 (Setup -> CW/RTTY/SSB
messages... indicates as F1&F11 to agree with the condition).

How can I make F11 as wipe QSO instead of Alt + Q ?

I looked at the old WriteLog.ini to see if I am missing, but don't see any
particular line ...   Nothing mentioned in Scot's site either.

Thanks for your help.

73 de NN5T, Jon

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