[WriteLog] Networking and dups in log

Phil Florig W9IXX at arrl.net
Tue Aug 16 15:57:00 EDT 2005

Hi all,

Returned from the Sable island trip and Writelog worked great.

The other two were using CT and were impressed by the Writelog program.

This is the situation/problem.

The two computers on CT were networked together and ok for awhile
until some interference happened and they broke the connection to
both work individually.  Logging continued with just the network now
disconnected.   Looking back should have stopped the logging
here and restarted with new log names to keep the logs seperate.

Looking at the logs on both computers, now have duplicate entries
while they were networked and stand alone entries after the
connection was broken.  How can the logs be combined/merged and
not have the duplicates show in the combined log?  I can go in
the ADIF files and manually delete the dups but if the log is
large can be long day...   In age of computers must be a fast
way I don't know about.

I bring this up here, because once I get them to use Writelog and
if this same thing happens, what are the options?   I could not
find anything in the archives on my computer or the web.
I noticed in the Help file under File Merge that it will
import ADIF files but would it clean the dups (meaning real dups
with all the parameters the same) or just add the two dups as
independent qso's?  See next as answered this question.

I tried importing the two ADIF files, with dups in them, into
Writelog and it just appended them in the log.  Did not strip
out the real dups.   Could this then cause a scoring problem
if it were a contest.

Hope I am clear on this and open to comments/suggestions.

73  Phil  W9IXX/CY0AA

Philip Florig           e-mail:pflorig at ieee.org
115 Horne Rd.               (or):W9IXX at arrl.net
Columbus, NC. 28722         amateur radio:W9IXX
USA                         MARS:AAM4ENC/AAR4XX
     team member:AH1A-C6DX-CY0AA-J3A-KH8SI-VP2MX
IPR Systems, Inc.           tel: 1-708-385-7500
11651 Mayfield Ave.         fax: 1-708-385-7515
Alsip, IL. 60803          email:info at iprsys.com
USA                              web:iprsys.com

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