[WriteLog] Friend.ini

Eric Hilding b38 at hilding.com
Sat Aug 27 01:11:35 EDT 2005

Chris, G3SJJ, wrote:

 > And I am sure you would make a good job of it Rick.  Would you do one for
 > the UK Domestic contests as well please?

HA!  I'll have to bone-up on my British accent, OM :-)  Actually, when I 
was first licensed (at the peak of the Sunspot Cycle in the late 50's, I 
just loved to hear all the G-gang on SSB...I could listen to you folks 
24/7.  Seriously.  One of my favorites was G3FKM.

I'm sure the G-Name List will include Colin, Geoff, etc., but that weird 
throat condition has started again so I won't be doing any .wav file 
recording(s) until it clears up.  Hopefully, before the CQP 'cuz I have 
some "stuff" to record for my SBEN QRV.

73...or should I say, "Cheerio"?


Rick, K6VVA

P.S. How did the IOTA Contest X-pedition go?  Condx to Europe from my QTH 
were terrible ;-(

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