[WriteLog] Start Sending Now feature in Writelog

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Fri Jul 8 16:45:26 EDT 2005

Jim, AD1C wrote:

 > Instead, send what you've got as soon as the caller stops sending, and 
 > while the report is going out.  You'll eliminate the pause and possible
 > confusion, and you'll work the guy faster, which benefits BOTH of you.
 > I use this feature in CT and it REALLY helps to keep the rate up.

Amen & Amen.  However...if the "start sending" is set to trigger at 
character #4 (no problem for calls like AD1C), if the guy who called is a 5 
character "W2HQL" (AD1C's father's original call & my old DX "Elmer" :-) 
... the callsign starts ripping away sometimes before the other station has 
finished sending.  A bit un-nerving until you get used to it, but then 
again, you can set things to start at character #5, etc.  Thank God most 
QRP ops do not use "callsign/QRP" (which in any case is a waste time and 
"who cares" anyway).

NCCC CQP Guru AL, AD6E wrote:

 > If this feature is added to WL, please have a way to keep it turned off. I
 > want to be in control of the process .. not the other way around.

Absolutely!!!  Having a quick access menu (or Hot Key) ability to either 
turn on/off OR change the character # to start sending is extremely 

Barry, W2UP wrote:

 > INS is really a poor choice, being off the main keyboard.  Think
 > about remapping the ; or ' key to function as INS.

INS is ON the keyboard of a notebook computer, but frequently in a 
bass-ackwards location ;-(  Yes, a possible re-mapping makes sense, but 
then again, using INS or an equivalent is, IMHO, an out-of-sync step in the 
QRQ contesting food chain.

Clive, GW3NJW wrote:

 > WL is currently held back by being chiefly aimed at RTTY ops. The 
techniques for
 > RTTY and CW are r-a-d-i-c-a-l-l-y different. SSB? hmm, just don't know 
enough about that mode.

IMHO, the techniques for run-of-the-mill CW and QRQ CW contesting are also 
different :-)

WL is great for SSB, and Wayne's enhancements for additional SSB messages 
and fullcallsign.wav use have put WL at the top of the SSB contesting 
software pack for beginning SSB Voice-Automation.  But as per one of my 
previous posts, we need to go to the Advanced Level now, and know N1MM has 
been adding features in this area.  If I didn't think WL had the potential 
to be the ULTIMATE QRQ CW ***and*** SSB Voice-Automation Contest Software 
combo (without a DVK), I wouldn't be investing the time to try and help 
make it better...for all pursing this venue.

FWIW to those venturing off into using any outboard X-Keys Units will find 
this helpful...

After filling up all the available CW messages slots, I wanted some 
additional stuff.  So I programmed my X-Keys 20-Key desktop pad keys to 
sometimes do an ALT+K and autotype the text (which generates the keyboard 
CW sending).  But I was ending up with characters printing into the 
callsign field for some keys, so tried adding "ESC" to the command 
set.  This prematurely cancelled the CW being sent.  The solution turned 
out to simply be adding an ALT+W (Wipe Command) at the X-Keys programming 
statements, and BINGO...all is well in paradise again!  Except that I was 
the ultimate QLF callsign typist in last night's NCCC NS which was most 
embarrasing, and other SO2R nOObie QLF ;-(

I can't re-emphasize enough the importance of having a "Start Sending Now 
At Character (Number)" feature also work in the WL "Free Form" mode, and 
also to W-I--D---E----N the "Free Form" field so that we can see the ENTIRE 
EXCHANGE AT ONE GLANCE.  Very, very important!!!


Rick, K6VVA

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