[WriteLog] Help re consolidating logs (N1MM and Writelog)

David Shipman davidshipman at whooshnet.com
Tue Jul 12 22:32:00 EDT 2005

I am trying to merge logs from 3 different stations using 3 separate logging
programs - first mistake!

I am attempting to collect all logs into Writelog. One station has exported
their log as an ADIF file from N1MM. Looking at the ADIF file it seems ok
with correct point scoring etc. When attempting to bring it into Writelog it
comes in with zero points. Nor will it rescore when requested. Tried both
importing and merging without any luck. I am using version 10.54c of
Writelog. The 3rd log is a Cabrillo file and is OK.

Any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong?


Thanks - Dave


David Shipman (VE7CFD/VA7AM)

davidshipman at shaw.ca

Phone: 604-628-7455

Cell:     778-861-8170

reply <http://www.bcdxc.org/>  to davidshipman at shaw.ca


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