[WriteLog] Cabrillo choice grayed out.

Aldewey@aol.com Aldewey at aol.com
Mon Jun 27 23:03:17 EDT 2005

In a message dated 6/26/2005 4:41:29 PM Central Standard Time, 
n4gi at tampabay.rr.com writes:
No log checking for FD, so there's no need for cabrillo.

Blake N4GI
If I understand the rules, you need to submit a Summary Sheet and a Dupe 
Sheet for Field Day.  If you want, you can submit a Cabrillo file INSTEAD of the 
dupe sheet.  The problem is, I can't figure out how to generate the dupe sheet. 
 And, as previously indicated, the Cabrillo file is grayed out.

What am I missing?  How do you print out the Dupe Sheet in WL for Field Day?



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