[WriteLog] PC Shuts Down w/ Serial Cable Connected

K4SB k4sb at bellsouth.net
Wed Mar 23 11:16:31 EST 2005

n8ie at woh.rr.com wrote:
> I had a similar problem with Writelog in that at random my PC would just shut down.
> I was running XP at the time and made several requests for help. Nothing was ever figured out and I simply "lived with it", that is until SP2 came along.
> With SP2 installed, my PC would shut down about every third or so QSO entered. BAM just like that.

This is of course a wild guess, but I would suspect: (1) the computer
power supply;
(2) CPU over heating, or (3) a faulty memory stick.

I had #3 a long time ago, and it took 2 days of a memory utility
program running to discover a single bad bit in one stick. But, once
the utility found it, it started a continuous red/write to that stick,
and started logging the results. As it turned out, that stick would
malfunction about 1% of the time. As for the CPU, I have dual fans
installed on all my HDs. Makes about a 20-25 degree Centigrade

I think more modern machines just slow the CPU down.

But, sometimes it's just best to go with what does work.


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