[WriteLog] Help with a import problem in WL

FireBrick w9ol at billnjudy.com
Thu Mar 31 14:57:43 EST 2005

A bit strange, I'm trying to help a friend who used a simple program to log for the cq wpx 
ssb contest.
It produced a .adi file

I'm trying to print out reports that he can submit and running into a problem.

There is a Red B for EVERY qso.
I made sure the qso's used my callsign (to which WL is registered)
I made sure the band reported was correct (frequency was inside the band parameters)
I made sure in Parameter setup that Not Multi op was selected.
I made sure the date range and times are legit for the contest.

I can't go to the #B field and select Claim QSO. It doesn't change anything.

Please don't tell me that I should have convinced him to use WL instead, I had.

Anyone with a suggestion?

All the good men are taken.

Bill H. in Chicagoland

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