[WriteLog] Need help with Icom IC-746pro and interface cable

Dave NØRQ n0rq-lists at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 4 08:48:11 EST 2005

With the newest versions of Writelog, you do NOT need to
change the default CI-V addr on the 746PRO, because the
746PRO is listed on the Writelog Setup/Ports menu.
I run mine with the default of 66h, and it works fine.

DO check the CI-V baud rate (menu item # 36 on the 746PRO),
and make sure it matches what is set in Writelog.  (I run mine
at 9600).   "AUTO" may or may not work properly.  To get
it running, hard-code the baud rate (both on the rig and in WL).
After it is working and if you still want to experiment with AUTO,
then that is fine.

Further notes on WL / 746PRO along with a couple of 
pictures of my WL setup/ports screen can be seen at

- Dave N0RQ

>> -----Original Message-----
>> I have a new rig, the Icom IC-746pro. Writelog will not read the
> frequency.
>> I have read the help file several times and even upgraded to the
> latest
>> version 10.55. My interface cable works fine on Logger 32. When I run
>> Writelog there is no other program running. My cable is on comm 1. Any
>> help would be appreciated.
>> Jim Richardson N5OHL

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