[WriteLog] new user - WL / Rigblastrer / Multi Switcher

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Fri Nov 4 09:15:48 EST 2005

On Nov 4, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Denis O' Flynn wrote:

> My main mode is RTTY. I have set up a log for cqwwrtty for practice  
> purposes. When I press any of the "F" keys, the rig keys,  
> rigblaster keys and sends a carrier. It does not make the same RTTY  
> sound on MONI as other programmes. I can see on the RTTY window the  
> text being sent in blue colour.
> What am I doing wrong??

How are the jumpers on P5 in the RigBlaster Plus set?


John E Bastin, K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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