[WriteLog] re WriteLog] new user - WL / Rigblastrer / Multi Switcher

John E Bastin jbastin at sssnet.com
Fri Nov 4 10:12:22 EST 2005

On Nov 4, 2005, at 9:38 AM, Denis O' Flynn wrote:

> On Nov 4, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Denis O' Flynn wrote:
>> My main mode is RTTY. I have set up a log for cqwwrtty for practice
>> purposes. When I press any of the "F" keys, the rig keys,
>> rigblaster keys and sends a carrier. It does not make the same RTTY
>> sound on MONI as other programmes. I can see on the RTTY window the
>> text being sent in blue colour.
>> What am I doing wrong??
> How are the jumpers on P5 in the RigBlaster Plus set?
> 73,
> John E Bastin, K8AJS
> jbastin at sssnet.com
> http://www.qsl.net/k8ajs/
> HI John
> D9 is jumped only as shown below
> I    :    :    :    :

That gives you Push-To-Talk (on RTS). For CW you need to jumper D11  
(DTR on Key).

I : : I :

For RTTY (assuming you're using FSK), you need to jumper D13 (TXD on  

I : : : I

 From the RigBlaster Plus manual:

"For keyboard CW operation you would normally set the software so it  
controls PTT on RTS and CW keying on DTR."


"For FSK keying you must connect the key out to the FSK keying  
terminals on the back of your radio. You may select both DTR for CW  
and TXD for FSK if your radio and software will accommodate that."

Perhaps this will work on the TS850S. On my radio (an FT1000MP) it  
won't. If I have DTR on Key for CW, FSK doesn't work when I jumper  
TXD on Key. CW, however, doesn't care if I have both DTR on Key and  
TXD on Key jumpers in place.

I decided that the way to solve the problem was to put in an  
additional switch for the DTR on Key jumper. I drilled a small hole  
in the side of the RigBlaster Plus cover and installed a small SPST  
toggle switch. I ran wires from this switch to the DTR on Key jumper  
terminals on P5. When I want to do CW, I throw the switch to close  
the jumper on DTR on Key. When I want to do FSK, I switch it the  
other way, removing the jumper on DTR on Key. TXD on Key is jumpered  
all the time.

Hope this helps.


John E Bastin, K8AJS
jbastin at sssnet.com

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