[WriteLog] Larry W0ETC SK

Dave L Thompson k4jrb at juno.com
Mon Nov 7 12:33:58 EST 2005

Thanks to Jim, AD1C I saw the SK notice on Larry W0ETC on eHam. 

Larry was an active contester (since 1969) and a ham since 1962.  Lately
he has been very active on RTTY.   Of course Larry was a very
knowledgeable Writelog user.  Larry has been very active in my contests,
the CQ WW 160 Contests and was a past CQ 160 Contest advisory member.

Larry has been through strokes and cancer and was a fighter to the end.  
I first met a young WA0ETC in the mid 60's when I was K5MDX and we both
were in college.  He mentioned that in 1961 while using his first
receiver (an S-120) that he heard me working the ARRL SS (probably on AM
as the S-120 had quite a wobble in BFO mode).  He did not get into
contesting until he got out of college in 1969.

RIP Larry

73 Dave K4JRB

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