[WriteLog] one more Writelog part I goofed up

FireBrick w9ol at billnjudy.com
Fri Nov 11 17:16:25 EST 2005

Ok, tnx again but I have one more thing I've goofed up in WL.
(I'm sure it was during transferring files to the new high speed computer)

When I start a new contest, the bands are goofed up.
If I do a Bands>Show Bands
all the bands allow all modes from in the entire band...on every band.

I have to do a SetupBands
Delete all, and then enter the proper band segment for the mode I'm operating.

The problem with the entire band being any mode is that spots for other modes show up on 
the cluster listing even though they could be out of the normal subband for the contest 
I'm operating.

Anyone know how to fix this problem permanently?

We have clearance, Clarence. Roger, Roger. What's our vector, Victor? - Cockpit crew in 
the movie 'Airplane

Bill H. in Chicagoland

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