[WriteLog] 73 De NG1I

Werner Maier werner at maiers.de
Tue Nov 15 02:31:21 EST 2005

Hello Frank,

> A lot refer to buggy software because they have failed to RTM.

These seem to be a really true words.

If You want to have a look and feel, how writelog can be used,
than You should _really_ read those websites:

This is a really good made Introduction into writelog, and
it reveals a lot of tipps and tricks even for long year users.
(thank You very much for this site, Scot!)

This site by AA5AU (thank You, Don!) is a perfect introduction
into setting up a Computer for RTTY with RTTY basics, and covers
MMTTY and Writelog with MMTTY also.

Look at the grat tutorials here:

If you have all necessary connectors ready, it's a startup in minutes.

And last not least for writelog:
If they say (in the yahoo group) writelog is buggy, just think about
those things:

- have you ever seen a software without a bug? it is just normal
  for mankind to make mistakes, why should a programmer be better
  than any other man?

- look at those "bugs" they write of. Are they really important or
  are those just minor tweaks that have long been fixed by Wayne
  with the next update?

- In my opinion the most important thing is, how You can get support
  for a software - and for Writelog there is much of it:

  * reflector here with traffic and helpful HAMs that do respond to
  * perfect introductional Websites
  * good documentation in the program itself
  * lots of third party tools for writelog (i.e. contest modules
    for nearly every contest - even the smaller ones, and MMTTY
    for example
  * really good support by Ron, K5DJ for everything
    covering distribution
  * and last not least even direct contact with the autor if things
    go into details with programming.

I personally would not like to go back - now that I have found this
software - it's useful for all contests, for dxpeditions, and for
all daily logging (if you just want to track date/time/call/band).
Of course there are better logging programs for qso rounds, where
you can lots of information about your qso partner and so on, but
theses programs are made for all-day-logging and not for
contest-logging where You don't need those things.

best 73s de Werner DL4NER.
Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Werner Maier

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