[WriteLog] (no subject)

Phil Krichbaum pfkski at vail.net
Wed Nov 16 16:48:20 EST 2005

"3. Have used it networked in a M2 set-up and it worked

	I have been with several M2, MS and MM groups and have NEVER seen WL work
properly in a networked situation which is very annoying as I know others
have done it. I've heard about it but am still waiting to see it happen.
	I am not a computer geek but people on our team were and still there was
always some major deficiency if not several. Instructions for setting up for
multi are extremely difficult unless you work in an IT department type of
job (IMHO). You need a network specialist on your team to have a chance.
There is way too much computer nerd knowledge you need to do WL. The WL Lite
section helps.
	73 Phil N0KE

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