[WriteLog] Fw: Network Instability

W7RY w7ry at centurytel.net
Thu Nov 24 15:07:34 EST 2005

1. Wireless networking was not around when Windows 98 was developed. 
2. With RF from 7 stations, wireless will most likely be intermittent.
3. With RF from 7 wireless devices, they may be "desensing" themselves.
(Just like a high RF environment on mountain top radio site).
4. In a high RF environment, wired networking with good quality twisted
pair CAT6 wiring is a must. 
5. You may need some ferrite beads to wrap the CAT6 cable around to keep
the stubborn RF out.
7. Perhaps the wireless router you're using is susceptible to RF? How
about the wireless cards?  Are they USB types? Perhaps they are
susceptible to RF?

Jim W7RY

-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of rsmorris
Sent: Wednesday, November 23, 2005 7:46 PM
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Fw: Network Instability


I have been suffereing with this for quite a while also.
I run 7 wirelessly connected networked computers. They are all
Win98 machines and I never have upgraded frpm V10.47.
During CQWW SSB my network was going up and down all weekend.
Same thing this weekend in SS SSB.

The computers do not crash, but just looses the networking.

In CQWW, we found in one machine there were 2 different network cards
installed. One was the wireless card and a coaxial net card showed up
So check your network configuration in control panel.
In another machine the the wireless card was set on adhoc and
Should be just infrastructer.
None of those problems were noted setting up for SS.

If you expand the "Writelog Network Status" window, you can see at least
of the stuff going on. Computers coming up, going down, exchanges being
between them etc.

When the bandmap spots were flickering on my bandmap, watching the
window, one computer would establish a connection, it would update the
computer, then the main computer would go to try update the other 6.
If 20M made several contacts while off line, then it is brought back
those contacts
are sent out to the other 5. This goes on and on until everything is

In SS I had 3 things going on. Packet came into my "main" computer. I
that computer to
allow network connections. The other 6 computers received packet
to this one.
It was NOT used for logging this time.
I split the station. One was WK4Y who had the 160, 40 and 15M positions.
These were
linked as one logging "network"
I had 80, 20 and 10M positions at my disposal. These were linked as one
logging "network".

Had it setup this way early Saturday morning and it was stable until the
start of SS. The packet feed
would go away and at some point the "logging" network would fail. When I
would go from
one position to another in MY network, I had to try to establish packet
again. It might stay up
for one spot to come and then crash, then might come back up on its own
through the retry
or not.. I could normally connect to the position I just left and update
log. That
"network connection" might stay up for a while, then again it might not.
This went on all contest long

This morning I setup the "networks" again. Packet, WK4Y and W4MYA
Packet spots flowed with no problem for several hours.
Looks like it is when the contact info begins flowing that the problems

**It is such a problem that I have started avoiding using the band map.
I am trying to remember if it happens when I am single-operating and
only use one computer. I don't think it does, but I am not 100
percent sure of that. Occasionally I use a networked computer as a
log backup and that may be clouding my memory. I will watch closely
this coming weekend (single-op assisted) to see if it happens.
***In the 160 contests I use my 'main" computer as a backup, I do not
have any problem with the logging, in fact even going a SOA effort I do
have the problems I have in a M/M

**We also use the TCP/IP selection for the local network. Some of our
computers are eithernet and some are connected by wireless.
***Need to be sure NETBUI is installed also

**After an hour or two the spots within the bandmaps on both machines
>jittering, followed by a crash of at least one computer on the network.
>Both were using TCP/IP.  This is apparently Windows getting confused
>suffering a memory allocation problem, based on error messages that
show as
>the crash occurs - but exactly why and how to stop it - well, out of
*** What errors do you get Hal??

I did not answer any questions, but another that has many problems with

If anyone can see thriugh this and figure out what is going on, please
me know.
I understand N1MM has networking now, but have not explored it..

Take care
Happy Holidays

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