[WriteLog] Network Instability

Don Cassel ve3xd at rogers.com
Sun Nov 27 20:48:49 EST 2005

Also here. This weekend I operated solo but used a second computer on the
network for backup. There was no problems until I opened a bandmap on the
second computer and linked to the network for spots. I use VE7CC. Shortly
after the bandmap on the operating computer began flashing and Writelog
locked up. I had to shut it down. It happened again a second time and this
time I rebooted and also shut down the spots and band map on the backup
computer. There were no more problems after that. Logging continued normally
and no entries were lost on either computer.

Until the CQWW SSB contest I have never had this problem with Writelog and
often have a second computer on the home network for backup purposes. It was
only when both computers are reading spots and displaying them on the band
map that the problem occurred. My home station uses one W98 SE computer for
the operating station and an XP notebook (wireless) for the back up

Another story for the mix.

73, Don VE3XD

-----Original Message-----
From: writelog-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:writelog-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of k2qmf at juno.com
Sent: Sunday, November 27, 2005 8:09 PM
To: halken at comcast.net
Cc: k5dj at writelog.com; writelog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Network Instability

I had the same problem this weekend.

I had to disconnect the computers from
the network and then reconnect them.
After that the problem cleared for a while...

73,  Ted  K2QMF

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