[WriteLog] makrothen module

Steve AI9T steve at ai9t.com
Sat Oct 8 09:36:08 EDT 2005

Seems like we had the same problem last year with this module!!


Steve AI9T


QSL via LOTW and EQsL

Mike wrote:

>Same here Scott.  Made sure the initialization was correct, but still 
>same results.
>At 07:02 AM 10/8/2005, Scott Nichols wrote:
>>My scoring seems OK, but calls do not highlight for "grabbing" and they do
>>not change colour in the bandmap to show if dupe, new mult etc...Is this
>>normal ?
>>Scott VE1OP
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Kostas SV1DPI" <sv1dpi at raag.org>
>>To: "REFLECTOR writelog" <writelog at contesting.com>
>>Sent: Saturday, October 08, 2005 5:35 AM
>>Subject: Re: [WriteLog] makrothen module
>>>i use the 10.55d
>>>Unfortunately the makrothen module is not working ok
>>>not highlight the calls and the score is not ok for the low bands (x 1,5
>>>40m and x2 on 80m). Is there any upgrade?
>>>Kostas sv1dpi
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>         73,
>         Mike, K4GMH 
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